Friday, June 3, 2011

Word Art

 For this assignment, I had fiddled around with different ideas, but this one worked out the best. I used a wood background to show a more natural side to the word "beauty", and then spelled the word using different types of makeup and brands. I also used the burn tool to create a shadow under each piece of each letter to make it look less pasted on. Lastly was the cropping. I can't decide if I like the closer cropped picture or the last one with space above the word so I created three different versions.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hallway Sign

               I chose to use this sign shape because I feel like it looks like something you would see Downtown Guelph.  I changed the colours of the sign to navy blue and yellow to math the school colours. I also added the crusader logo to the top where there was originally a sun shape. I like this design because it is easy to read and simple.                            

Thursday, May 19, 2011


 For this project, I created three pictures using two pigs. In this first one, I was inspired by the latest picture of the pig graffiti. I wanted to make the pig and its surroundings look happy and colourful. For his body, I used an overlay of a field of flowers. I also made the grass greener. I think the pig looks cute and fun.
 For this pig, I started out with an Andy Warhol picture. I then erased some of the black so that the viewer could tell it was a pig. Also, I coloured in the picture with pink and blue. This is my least favourite picture as it doesn't really do much for the viewer.
This last pig is my favourite. I was inspired by the waterpaint picture. This picture looks more artistic than the other two. I used a tile filter to get the texture, I also used a gradient and overlayed it so that the colours are faint and more watercolour-like.

Pictures Used:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

CD Cover Design

I chose to do a cd cover the the band The Spill Canvas. I picked the fonts purposely because they resemble fonts from their older albums. Also, in many of their older albums they use black birds. For each of these designs, i started by combing a sky and a ground picture, then applying the window and the crows. For this first design, I wanted to use dark, miserable looking weather. This is because their EP, Realities, has love songs that are based around weather and windows. I wanted this picture to resemble the weather they use in the songs on this EP. The first design is very basic and dark.

For the second design, I wanted a bright outlook on the "realities" of life. I lightened the picture so that the birds were more visible in the sky and it looked more like a nice summer day.

In this picture, I added a strip of grey to give the effect of having a positive and negative outlook on the "realities" of life. In all three pictures, i also used the burn tool to add a dark frame around the window.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Triptych Photography

A triptych is a combination of three pictures that are related in some way. For this, I used 3 pictures of rough surfaces. In the original, the colours are close but the picture is boring so i created a copy of it and added colour. The combination of these colours makes it look a lot more interesting and artsy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Guelph Multicultural Festival

"The Guelph Multicultural Festival promotes the positive nature of ethnic diversity in our community." (Assignment Sheet) After a long thinking process, i decided i wanted to create a picture that tied all the flags of the world to the earth. I tried spirals, and other shapes but none of them gave me the effect i wanted. I then thought of using hands with the fingers intertwined. This gesture shows trust, love, peace and most of all, togetherness. This design is clear and simple and i feel that the colours against the black background grab attention.