Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Guelph Multicultural Festival

"The Guelph Multicultural Festival promotes the positive nature of ethnic diversity in our community." (Assignment Sheet) After a long thinking process, i decided i wanted to create a picture that tied all the flags of the world to the earth. I tried spirals, and other shapes but none of them gave me the effect i wanted. I then thought of using hands with the fingers intertwined. This gesture shows trust, love, peace and most of all, togetherness. This design is clear and simple and i feel that the colours against the black background grab attention.

1 comment:

  1. Very effective image Taylor. Your clearly communicate the message of togetherness along with multiculturalism. You've made good use of contrast and balanced the image well. the title is a bit hard to read as it wraps around the image, but it fills the space well. Good job on getting done in advance. Next time hand me a rubric to indicate that it's ready for marking.
