Thursday, May 19, 2011


 For this project, I created three pictures using two pigs. In this first one, I was inspired by the latest picture of the pig graffiti. I wanted to make the pig and its surroundings look happy and colourful. For his body, I used an overlay of a field of flowers. I also made the grass greener. I think the pig looks cute and fun.
 For this pig, I started out with an Andy Warhol picture. I then erased some of the black so that the viewer could tell it was a pig. Also, I coloured in the picture with pink and blue. This is my least favourite picture as it doesn't really do much for the viewer.
This last pig is my favourite. I was inspired by the waterpaint picture. This picture looks more artistic than the other two. I used a tile filter to get the texture, I also used a gradient and overlayed it so that the colours are faint and more watercolour-like.

Pictures Used:

1 comment:

  1. Taylor, I thin #2 is your strongest image. For #1 the pig is interesting but the grass seems to ordinary for him. It seems forced and awkward. In my opinion the last one has not been altered enough, but it's hard to be sure because I haven't seen the original image.

    When citing the source you can't just give a website address. Let's try to find the name of the photographer.
