Wednesday, May 4, 2011

CD Cover Design

I chose to do a cd cover the the band The Spill Canvas. I picked the fonts purposely because they resemble fonts from their older albums. Also, in many of their older albums they use black birds. For each of these designs, i started by combing a sky and a ground picture, then applying the window and the crows. For this first design, I wanted to use dark, miserable looking weather. This is because their EP, Realities, has love songs that are based around weather and windows. I wanted this picture to resemble the weather they use in the songs on this EP. The first design is very basic and dark.

For the second design, I wanted a bright outlook on the "realities" of life. I lightened the picture so that the birds were more visible in the sky and it looked more like a nice summer day.

In this picture, I added a strip of grey to give the effect of having a positive and negative outlook on the "realities" of life. In all three pictures, i also used the burn tool to add a dark frame around the window.

1 comment:

  1. Super work Taylor. I like number two the best because of the clarity and I find the grey in the third looks too artificial. But...what I like best is that you showed a creative process and explained your thoughts. That's great!

    Good job meeting the deadline. You still have some minor language issues, like "i" which I'll indicate when I grab a rubric form you tomorrow.
