Friday, September 10, 2010

Mr. Joe Egg-Head
This egg loves business, filing, and long walks on the beach. He often gets food stuck in his mustache but he's convinced that the girls don't mind. Joe also enjoys getting his nose spray-tanned while he leaves the rest of his face nice and pale. It takes Joe about an hour and a half to get the flip in his hair just right.

I enjoyed this assignment and I'm quite happy with the way it turned out as it is the first time I've ever created something on Photoshop. I think I now have an idea of how most of it works.
I got the desk picture from :

1 comment:

  1. Taylor, you're hilarious. I feel like I know this guy from your description.

    If this is an example of your first effort then you are a really fast learner. Wow!

    Thanks for referencing the desk source. I don't need a whole web link next time, just the name of the site or a mention that if was taken from elsewhere rather than created by you. You see, in the future you'll be able to draw the desk.

    Well done.
